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Previous episodes

Episode 82

"The Devil Made Me Do It"

In this week's episode, Lori & Simon discuss and review the "Sin" series led by Educator Charles Merritt on the Fresh Catholic Website.  They also talk about their opinion and experience of Sin in our world and lives, how damaging it is to our relationships and devotion to Christ and how to turn away from Sin and turn back to the Lord!

Episode 83

"Catholic Trivia with Special Guest: Charles Merrittt"

In this week's episode, Lori is joined by Educator, Charles Merritt who gives Lori and her listeners some very cool Catholic Trivia! Have a listen and learn some fun facts about our faith!

Episode 84

"The Cheers & Challenges of Being a Catholic High School Teacher with Alec Hamrick"

In this week's episode, Lori invites special guest, Alec Hamrick back to the podcast to give us an update on the "Biking For Babies" mission he went on this Summer. Then they switch gears and discuss Alec's experiences with the highs & lows of being a Catholic School High School teacher.

Episode 85

The Value of Family Faith Formation" with special guest, Teresa Nelson 

IIn this week's episode, Lori is joined by special guest Teresa Nelson, the new Director of Family Faith Formation (formerly Religious Ed) at Our Lady of the Assumption Church in Ventura, CA. They discuss what the program entails, what families can expect from it and to encourage other parishes to consider implementing this at their churches to enrich the faith! 

Episode 86

The Importance of Youth Formation" with special guest, Carolyn Curtis

In this week's episode, Lori is joined by special guest Carolyn Curtis, the new Director of Youth Formation at Our Lady of the Assumption Church in Ventura, CA. They discuss the importance of helping teens strengthen their focus on the Lord while preparing for Confirmation, as well as, creating a community for teens to grow in their faith.

Episode 87

Are you a Rebel?

In this week's episode, Lori & Simon talk about what happens when a person falls into rebellion against law, structure, parents and God. They discuss how and why this seems to happen and how people can turn back to Christ in reverent obedience.

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